Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter to time magazine

Date: 2006-03-29 13:35
Subject: The letter I should have written
Security: Public
Dear Time Magazine,

I am writing in regards to your bullshit article about Celiac Disease. You have clearly not done your research and are pulling random facts out of your ass with nothing to back it up except for some vague notion that the stupid people who read your magazine won't question it. Well shame on you. Those people happen to be sitting in doctor’s offices waiting on answers that you may have led them away from. Oh and by the way, dr offices are your soul source of readers... no one in their right mind would read your shitty dribble if it weren't the only thing lying on a coffee table and there was nothing else to do but thumb through it.

Thanks to you there could be millions of children, young adults and full grown adults who will suffer through years of intestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea because you told them that if they were introduced to wheat between four and six months old they were safe from the disease. This of course will lead to millions of parents ruling it out and never being advocates for their children... many more misdiagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lactose intolerance and thousands of cases of Colon cancer.

Congrad-u-fucking-la tions TIME. Maybe you should consider doing your homework and possibly looking into the disease before you publish false information. You have set the people who are working on the awareness side of the disease back about five years.... you fucking jerks. Thanks. You just made my job of explaining Celiacs to a new parent a thousand times harder because they'll believe you over me and not bother to do their research either.

Again, thanks for publishing lies on an already confusing disease and for perpetuating the acceptability of our medical system to ignore and ill treat this growing disease.

Yours truly

ps... if you'd like some papers on the subject or at the very least, a very reliable resource, check out the University of Maryland, they have the one of the world's leading research facilities there.... just in case you didn't know... fuckers

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