Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Date: 2006-04-06 23:00
Subject: AVACADO... no longer just a yummy fruit
Security: Public

So Renata and I were perusing around Ikea and noticed a new restaurant in the complex across the street. On a whim we decided to go in.. I pulled a highly illeagal u turn and we went in to check it out. We met breifly with the Manager, Chris, and he was very on-board with including some gluten free options, I will be emailing him the awareness package and setting up time to go and talk with him about some places to purchase gluten free food supplies and how to ensure safe gluten free meals for us Celiacs.

I am very excited, it was a very nice restaurant and the staff was friendly, the food coming out from the kitchen looked great and smelled even better and the manager was somewhat already educated about Gluten free cooking practices and contamination risks. It was a very positive experience. I am hoping that we will be making a dinner club dinner reservation very soon.

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