Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Turning 4 as a celiac

Date: 2007-05-15 05:46
Subject: My four year anniversary
Security: Public

My four year anniversary is coming up on May 23rd... and I am stoked.

Health wise I have been doing very well... got a cardiologist who is able to keep me up right and standing.... read: not fainting 20 a month anymore. My guts are healed up enough that a slip up in which butter gets used at the boyfriends doesn't land me in the bathroom for two days... and I finally feel like going back to the gym.

So I am celebrating... yes, celebrating my disease. I will be having a BBQ to celebrate at my house sometime in June and will be serving some good GF grub. Please RSVP is you plan to attend. The invite is out there for all my celiac friends, dinner club-mates and other Celiac supporters and family.

just leave me a comment here or email me. celiac_dreams@hotmail.com

also I plan on putting all the past notes and events in here soon... forgive me... a student's life...

SPLITT's demise

Date: 2007-01-14 22:49
Subject: SPLITT Closure
Security: Public
Mood: determined

Hi All,

So SPLITT, our friendly local completely GF restaurant has had to shut it's doors due to a flub in the Calgary Herald... here's a letter from Dave, one of the owners...

Hello Celiac friends. Dave from Splitt here. Yes it is true Splitt is done and it is very unfortunate. We definitely want Splitt to come back but I need all of your help. We are currently in a legal battle for defamation and I need to build as strong of case as possible. In order for this to happen I need to show that Splitt was a destination for allot of people not just a neighborhood pub/restaurant. So if at all possible can each person on this list please send me there postal code with there name so I can show that people travel to come here and either NW / NE / SW / SE. Believe me this information will go no further than myself and my lawyer and possible the court if it goes that far I need to put a geographical representation of our patrons.

I would appreciate all of your help....Please....



If you want to support SPLITT, please email your name, postal code, city to splittclosure@hotmail.com.

C'mon guys, let's get SPLITT back up and running, maybe opening one in Edmonton too!!

Post diagnosis struggles

Date: 2006-10-27 21:17
Subject: The bruise that comes with being punished twice
Security: Public
Mood: determined

It's bad enough that we are punished untill we are diagnosed, that we suffer the ridicule of being called anorexic or hypochondriacs, that we are belittled and told it is all in our heads, that the pain sometimes engulfs us until there is nothing else left, but the worst is that our undiagnosed time and sometimes our misdiagnoses can come back to kick our asses all over again.

I was sick for a long time, over 5 years, for three of those I was extremely sick, and pretty much ruined my undergraduate grade point average by staying in school. I stayed for one simple reason... I thought it would be the last thing I did. I was rapidly losing weight and my deteriorating health had no forseeable answer or end. I was fairly certain that I would die and I wanted that degree. I wanted to walk that stage. SO I stayed in school. I got up every morning that I could and I went to all the classes that I wasn't too busy throwing up to get to. I needed something to keep going for, to keep fighting for. Some reason to keep living, at least for one more day.

Now I am better, three years into recovery with very clean blood tests and only three different dr's that I have to still see. But... my gpa still sucks ass and I am being held to it. Even though I have spent the last three years working within medicine and gaining valuable research and medical experience. I have worked hard and proven to all those who know me that I belong here, that I am that smart, that I have what it takes and most of all that I WANT IT.

I want it so bad. I am fighting now, fighting for it all. I am fighting the institution to stop them from punishing me twice. To force them to confront the circumstance of my undergard years and my condition. I am fighting to be let in, to be given a chance and to be accepted.

I cannot quit now. That means I think it's ok to be punished again for something that was not my fault. I did the best I could and that is not a reason to limit me now. I was limited, and it was your medical system that limited me. A system I want to change and to make better. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNISH ME FOR SOMETHING YOU DID.

I will be turning in a statement of my experience and several supporting documents. I will be forcing them to be read. I am not going away. I am not giving up.

I am not tired enough yet. Close, but not yet. Sorry guys, you are not getting rid of me quite so easily.

Next meeting... Tuesday.

Travelling tips 2

Date: 2006-09-11 15:58
Subject: Travelling sites
Security: Public

Carolyn was able to pinpoint and share with us, Dave and I that is, this great site that has menu cards for nearly all languages... check it out.


Travelling tips

Date: 2006-09-06 00:17
Subject: Travelling
Security: Public

Ahhh, the joys... nay... tribulations of travel as a Celiac.

The last time I travelled I went to an amazing place, Belize, South America. I promised myself to stay safe above and beyond all else. That means folks, that I was willing to settle for salad sans dressing and fresh fruit in order to avoid contamination and or gluttenings.

Fortunately, I did not have to sffer the wrath of a weeks worth of bland rabbit foods as apparently wheat is a hard to come by commodity in the far south. Corn is their starch of choice. Also I lucked out and the native language was English.... gotta love the colonization of our queen and her men.

But what if you are not so lucky... well then... her are some helpfull hints.

- Pack some goodies you absolutely love. Yes, maybe this means you can't bring 8 bikinis to make room for that pack of glutino chocolate wafer bars... but trust me.. you'll want them!!

- Pack some pasta... hard to find elsewhere but you can usually find a restaurant that'll cook it for ya and throw a safe sauce on top of it for ya

- Check with your local celiac chapter to see if they have a restaurant card or brochure in the language(s) of the country you are travelling to. There are also on-line translation services that you can use... link to follow.

- Ask around if anyone you know has previously been there, used that airline, stayed somewhere close and ask about the local scene.

- Check out local markets... often the cooking is done right in front of you or there are fresh ingredients so you can see exactly what is going into what you are eating.

- Remeber that higher class places or really popular places are used to heavier tourist traffic. There may be someone there who speaks your language and can answer questions for you or translate to facilitate those questions being answered.

- Don't take your lack of choice too seriously. Don't make travel about your food, some ppl travel the world for it's cusine... you my celiac friend cannot. Make your journey about something more. Make it about the adventure, the sites and sights, the places and the ppl. Don't focus on the fact that all you can have is salad... focus on the fact that you don't have to find a bathroom every ten feet and that you are healthy enough to enjoy all the sights and sounds. Just leave your tastebuds outta this one.

- Having said that which is above... do try and find new foods to love and try to use any travel agents and other resources you can to make some of your trip about the food and the comunication of your needs. But don't stress about it. Be safe.

- Consult your local travel agent. They can get in touch with ppl that you can't.... pretend you are going to book through them if you have to. If nothing else, email me ( celiac_dreams@hotmail.com ) and I'll give you the name of my travel agent. Ask them to check local restaurants, hotels and resorts.

- Go to the library and take out some books on the culture and foods of the country you are going to. Learning on your part the names and definitions of local fare will serve you well and may facilitate communication when you are there.

- Along with a restuarant card from your local chapter, or in the absence of one, you can prepare a little booklet with pictures of NO-NO items. Put the words "wheat" or "bread" under them with slashes through the names and or pictures to indicate that they are BAD. This may seem crude but it works... a picture is worth a thousand words in any language. You can even try and find the translations for those specific words and the word NO to go along with the pics.

Anyways, hope these help.... I'll add more if I think of any... it's late and I need my celiac-humor sleep.

Safe and gluten free travels .... .Jenny

Peking Garden

ate: 2006-07-17 23:03
Subject: Chinese Food
Security: Public

Oh wow, Oh wow, Oh wow....

So we went for chinese food tonight with the dinner club and boy oh boy was it super fabulous.

They, PEKING GARDEN in Calgary, are so amazing when it comes to making us feel cared for, safe and wanted. They prepared everything from the most dee-lish ginger beef to sweet and sour everything to salt and pepper squid to fried sinapore noodle dishes... OH THE FABULOUSNESS OF IT ALL!!!!!!

They have to go to alot of effort for us to eat there as well. They clean the kitchen, change out all the oil and use special sauces and such. We have to put our order in a couple days in advance so that they can make out food seperate and first in the clean oil. They always double check all the ingredients on all the dishes. It is so great. We ate so much and were so full.

Aileen and Patrick brought their new little baby boy and he was happy, no doubt from the happy talk at the table and the wonderous smell of GF chinese food.

Leanne returned to the group after a long absence.

Carolyn made it down from Edmonton and brought her boyfriend along. They were full of useful edmonton info and came bearing foccacia bread, chocolate cake and carrot cake. It was a great touch and made the dinner that much better.

It was super fun night full of great food.

AHHHHH!!! YUMMMY!!!!!! Yeah to Peking Garden!!!!


Date: 2006-07-02 16:51
Subject: Speaking of consistancy...
Security: Public

There is nothing worse than having one person ruin it for everyone. But in the world of Celiacs this is happen more than you would ever care to know. Daily there are Celiacs who are cheating on their diets and opting to eat gluten rich foods in place of GF goods. They are doing this in restaurants and at stores. They are undermining those of us who need the diet. They are reinforcing to the restaurants and the stores that we are all just being hypocondriacs. They are ruining any repuation we had going for us for consistancy and seriousness.

If you cheat, please don't ask for a gluten free meal and then eat the bread at the table. Please don't send the food back in place of a more tasty meal including all the gluten. You are just ruining any crediblity the rest of us are working so hard to maintain. Don't tell people about your gluten free diet and all it's restrictions and hard ships while sipping on a beer. Honestly, it just pisses the rest of us off.

I have to be on the gluten free diet. I nearly died... and that is not in the least bit sarcasm or exaggeration, and then the GF diet saved my life. I need people to take me seriously, I need to have them realize that what they are feeding me could hurt me. I need all the information they recieve to be correct. But when other celiacs don't care that bread came on the side and touched all their food, or still order the sauce because it only has a little bit of flour in it to thicken it up.... it ends up hurting me.

I even once had a waitress tell me that no one was actually allergic to wheat, that so many of her clients ate menu items with wheat and no one ever complained as long as it was only a little bit or they ate it only once in a while.

Thanks guys! Thanks for blowing our credibility and allowing people to think it's ok as long as it's a little bit.

We have to stick together on this one. We all have to realize that the diet is the ONLY treatment for Celiac disease. Even if you don't feel any pain or don't have any gastro symptoms doesn't mean that you are not hurting your body. 1/50 of a piece of bread is enought to kill 1 cm worth of villi. WHAT ARE YOU DOING EATING ANY GLUTEN AT ALL?????

Take charge of your diet. Get over any stigma you are placing on yourself and ask for what you need. If you don't ask for it, no one will and then nothing will get better. Our bread will stay hugely over priced and our food choices will stay limited. Take charge and demand better. It can only benifit you and your heatlth and maybe thousand of other celiacs along the way.

C'mon guys. Help me out here.

The dinner club, education efforts

Date: 2006-07-02 16:47
Subject: Restaurant Education Program
Security: Public

There is a new effort in the restaurant education program... a certificate of attendance for those who attend a restaurant education seminar. A waiter/waitress, cook or manager would attend a two hour session where the basics of gluten free food prep and cooking would be covered.

I think this is a great idea and would help us al to identify restaurants that had made an effort to understand our needs and to meet them. I hope that this program will be up and running by sept but alot will depend on how much else gets done between now and then. Jo Anne, the woman who created the program is working hard towards this goal and she has even begun to establish some international recognition for the program. Soon all over north america we will all be using the same info pack and we will begin to look proffessional and as if we know what we are talking about. Consistency goes a long way.

GF Vendors

Date: 2006-07-02 16:45
Subject: A list of Gluten Free vendors for Calgary AB
Security: Public
List of Gluten Free Vendors

Earth’s Oven
Yeung Lee
Whole Sale: 403-620-6930
Retail: 403-686-4810
2133 33rd Ave SW
Calgary AB
T3E 7L1

Kinnikinnick Foods
Jerry, Lynne and Jay Brigam
Phone: 780-424-2900
Toll Free: 1-877-503-4466
10940 120th St
Edmonton AB
T5H 3P7

Planet Organic Calgary

10233 Elbow Drive SW (Corner of Southland)
Calgary, AB T2W 1E8
Telephone: 403-252-2404

Purifed Water Store
Unit 315, 2555-32 St NE

Also… still finding numbers for…


The www.calgaryceliac.com website listing of vendors

Earth`s Oven (686-4810)
2133b 33 Ave SW
~ GF breads including a wonderful lactose & GF rice bread

Lakeview Bakery (246-6127)
Lakeview Shopping Centre
~ Has a variety of GF breads available; call to check which days they are baked fresh
I caution against Lakeveiw as they are not a dedicated GF bakery. Only their
breads are truly produced GF.

Terra Cotto Gluten Free Foods
Located at the Calgary Farmers Market
~ supplies many popular brands of bread, cookies, cereals and mixes
Health Food Stores
Amaranth Whole Foods Market (547-6333)
#7 Arbour Lake Drive NW, Calgary
~ Wide selection of GF products, alternative flours, brans, buttermilk powder and GF pastas

Bowness Health Foods (286-2224)
6435 Bowness Rd NW
~ Carries supply of frozen GF bread, Tinkyada pasta, some KayBee GF mixes

Community Natural Foods
1304 10 Ave SW (229-2383) 202 61st Ave SW (541-0606) Calgary
~ Wide selection of Gf products, alternative flours, brans, buttermilk powder and gluten free pastas

Diabetic Delights Plus (225-3883)
1168 - 137 Ave SE (near Deer Valley Shopping Centre off Bow Bottom Tr, and Canyon Meadows Dr.
~ Carries sugar free, low carb and a nice selection of GF products; also carry El Peto products

Healthy Hut (932-4376)
516 1st Street, Cochrane
~ Cookies, brown rice flour, GF soup mixes, pastas, variety of rices

Nature`s Promise Health Foods (220 0606)
2834 Morley Trail NW, Calgary

Nutter`s Bulk and Natural Foods
Camrose (780) 672-8685; Canmore (403) 678-3335; Drayton Valley (780) 542-4899; Jasper (780)852-5844; Leduc (780) 986-1257; Lethbridge (403) 329-3100; Lloydminster (780) 875-4617; Medicine Hat (403) 529-1664; Okotoks (403) 938-1740; Olds (403) 556-1100; Red Deer (403) 347-4211
~ Variety of GF flours, mixes, pastas and cereals

Planet Organic Market (252-2404)
100 10233 Elbow Dr SW, Calgary
~ Wide selection of GF products, alternative flours, brans, buttermilk powder and GF pastas

Purifed Water Store (250-7889)
Unit 315, 2555-32 St NE
~ This water store is now carrying Kinnickinnick, El Peto & Kaybee GF products - a welcome shopping addition to NE Calgary

Sunshine Health Foods
Chinook Centre
~ Selection of GF products in store
Meat Markets
Andy`s Fine Family Meats (278-7151)
Avenida Shopping Centre

Calgary Meats & Deli ((403) 276-1423)
1204 Edmonton Trail NE
~ Understand what GF means, sausages made on site without cereal fillers. Carry a selection of Freybe's meats as well.

M&M Meat Shops
~ Selection of GF products, enquire within the store

Spolumbo`s Fine Food and Deli (264-6452)
1308 9th Ave SE
~ Most sausages are GF

The Butcher Shoppe (948-9572)
Towerlane Mall II, 705 Main St, Airdrie
~ GF sausages and weiners, low fat. All equipment carefully cleaned before each run of GF products.
Boca Loca Fine Mexican Foods
1512 - 11 St SW (403) 802-4600; 777 Northmount Drive NW (403) 289-2202
~ Carry corn tortillas in bulk, tostadas, salsas, guacamole mixes

~ Some GF products available at larger Co-op stores that have a Natural Market Section; there are many other GF products kept throughout the store; there are also many other GF products which you will find by reading the labels

La Tiendona (Mexican Food Store) (272-4054)
1836 - 36 St SE
~ white corn tortillas and other GF products

~ Many GF products available at larger Safeway stores; GF products kept throughout the store; there are also many other GF products which you will find by reading the labels. Kinnikinnick products are available in most stores

~ Many GF products available throughout the store which you will find by reading the labels

Sunnyside Market (270-7477)
10 - 338 10th St NW

Sunterra Market
Locations in Calgary
~ Selection of GF products in store

~ Oriental rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch flour, glutinous rice flour (same as sweet rice flour), rice noodles, rice crackers, cookies, "no name" brand soy sauce and many other GF products which you will find by reading the labels

T&T Supermarket Inc (Asian Food Market) (569-6888)
3516 8th Ave NE Pacific Plaza opposite Marlborough Mall
~ selection of GF products at reasonable prices
Note: Almost all health food stores and most supermarkets carry a limited selection of Gluten Free flours, gums, pasta, rice cakes, etc.

First Visit to SPLITT

Date: 2006-05-10 22:47
Subject: Our visit to SPLITT
Security: Public
This post is to inform you all of a new gluten free restaurant in Calgary. It's called SPLITT and it's in the Kingsland Plaza on Elbow Dr and 75th Ave SE. We, Renata, Chris and I just had dinner there tonight and it was really great.

The entire menu is gluten free... all the meals are completely gluten free, but you have to still specify that you are celiac if you are ordering any of the sandwiches and anything that comes with bread. There is an additional cost for the gluten free bread, $2.00, but it is printed out on your receipt as rice bread for personal or tax info. The menu clearly states that all of the menu items, except drinks, are all gluten and lactose free.

We ordered several, and I mean several dishes, and they were all delicious and none of us had even the slightest reaction or complaint. The food tasted like "real" food, the deep fried meals, including the spring rolls, were crispy and really tasty... and for those of you who like a bit of spice to your meals, there are some good choices for you there. We didn't order them, but saw an order of nachos... WOW... they looked great and the platter was huge. Definatly good for sharing.

Weds night is wing night with wings for 25 cents... They even have gluten free beer available for $5.75 during happy hour and for $6.50 outside of happy hour.

It is a great looking place too.... larger group seating and a red velvet lounging area with a fireplace and lots of TVs... good for games night and you can even have wings.

They are still in their first week but have lots of servers and we were well looked after. Our visit was a bit longer than expected but the atmosphere and friendly staff made the time fly. I think too perhaps it is the actual prep time for the food takes a while longer as all celiacs know.

Their staff was well educated, we were served by two witresses and they were each aware of Celiacs and our needs. They are trying to uphold a policy where each waitress will enquire if there are any allergies at each table to ensure order accuracy. They are not certain how well it will work out as staff in restaurants tends to have a high turn over so you still need to inform your waitress and remember to specify you want the gluten free bread products.

Right now they are using kingsmill breads but will be switching to kinnickkinnick soon.

I have included the menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner... there is a slight misprint on the breakfast menu... the cereals are NOT gluten free. But all else including pancakes and waffles, sausages and bacon are all safe. It all comes with hashbrowns and if you wish, for $2, you can have GF toast too.

The menus are diverse and really tasty... lots of appetizers and main meals... sandwiches, pot pies, ginger beef... you name it.

We had fish and chips, spring rolls, chicken pot pie, wings, root chips, and ginger beef. We were completely blown away by what we ordered and are salivating just at the thought of going back for mexican lasanga, chicken fingers, ceasar salad WITH CROUTONS!!!! and a whole lot more... check out the attatched menus.

The restaurant doesn't allow minors, so make sure you book a babysitter.

They are open from 7am till 2 am. Breakfast all day till 4 pm, and they also have lunch (very similar to dinner) and then dinner after 4pm till close.

We met all three managers, Kathy, Jeff and Dave.

Dave and I have had the most contact and he is very friendly, accomodating and willing to hear out and disscuss each of the concerns and questions that we had. Dave right from the beginning has been a great contact for Celiacs for this restaurant.... you probly won't have many questions as the whole menu is completely gluten free and you only have to specify gluten free when ordering actual bread.

The place is a good size (maybe 100 seats) but not huge and it already has been geting busy after 9 pm. It is definatly more of a pub atmosphere after about 8 pm... we were there from just after 5 till nearly 8:30.

They do have many GF drink choices as well as gluten free beer and a potato vodka, plus the regular fare: rum, tequila and wine.

Seriously I could go on and on, this place is well worth the trip. Dave was great and gave me the menus... so check them out.. on the attachments. We'll be having a dinner club dinner there soon, I promise... another email for that though.

Feel free to call if you have any questions or contact the restaurant and ask for Dave. The phone number is 403-212-0304.

This is a great place and their menu is a great start for setting a precedence for more gluten free products in our city, a new chain of restaurant and plain and simple, more choices for us. Let's show our support and make a trip down to check it out. I am sure you'll be just as impressed as I was and that a repeat visit will be something you are looking forward to. I am already torn over what to have next time.

Good eating!! Jenny

SPLITT, Calgary's first GF restaruant

Date: 2006-05-04 20:14
Subject: Introducing the first gluten free restaurant in Calgary
Security: Public

Out very own competely GLUTEN FREE restaurant... it's also lactose free for those celiacs who have difficulty.

So I talked to one of the owners (?) today, Dave and I'll be meeting with him on monday to have a taste of the food and talk to him about bringing the whole dinner group out for a meal. It's a family restaurant all day till 4pm (?) and then a pub (so no minors) after that till close. I am very excited.. also a bit disapointed that the flames are out of the stanley cup finals because I could have had wings and beer on game night and not felt like dying.

oh well... next year....

I am already planning on having my birthday there... I am such a little kid... MOMMMY i wanna go to the restaurant with my friends for my birthday... mommy, I wanna!!!

It's like fricking McD's with a playground!!!!

Anyways, the deets are as follows....

It's called SPLITT (yes, two t's I think)
It's located in a plaza on the corner of Elbow Dr and 75th Ave E in Calgary AB
They officially open next tuesday or so... could be monday but tuesday for sure.
They can seat up to 100 ppl so it might fill fast

Anyways... again I'll need to post an update once I have been there. And then there will be a dinner club evening there for sure. But that's it for today.

Turning 3 as a celiac

Date: 2006-05-04 20:08
Subject: My anniversary
Security: Public
So I just finished picking the day and making up the invites for my celiac anniversary... all the emails, letters and such will be going out soon. I am always really excited about the day... it's like a second birthday for me... because without the day I wouldn't have a birthday to celebrate at all.

So this year I am doing ribs and chicken, salads and snacks and chili and chips... nice alliteration if I do say so myself...


Anyways, so I am hopefully that I will have a good turn out, even though it is the long weekend... some of my favorite celiacs have already committed to coming so the guest list has begun.

I will of course have an update after the BBQ to let everyone know how it all went and such. I think it's such a great thing to have because it celebrates something that isn't normally celebrated and yet it makes sense to celebrate something that saved my life.

So yeah... if you area celiac and you are in Calgary and some how I forgot you... I am so sorry!!!!... please email me and let me know and I will forward you the invite immeadiately... ALso if you just want to come and check it out as a celiac and meet some people then also email me and we can take it from there... celiac_dreams@hotmail.com

Ohhhh, so excited already... it's gonna be good.

Celiac Taxes

Date: 2006-04-12 04:57
Subject: Celiac Taxes
Security: Public

Yikes, this is sure a lot of work... aren't we supposed to be getting compensated for all the work we already do with our diets? I am thinking I'll write a letter maybe start a petition... but not tonite... I need to sleep. If anyone does however neeed a workign spreadsheet... email me at jennyjustjenny16@gmail.com and I can send you one.

Dinner Club

Date: 2006-04-06 23:05
Subject: Welcome to the site
Security: Public

Hi Dinner club members.. thanks for stopping by. This is my personal Celiac site. Please remember although I am on my way, I am not a doctor and you should consult with your's before taking any advice from anyone... I try and post accurate info and I hope that you find it usefull but this site for me is about more than info... It's about personal experience and what I discover and feel as a woman with Celiac Disease.

Please read any or all posts and feel free to comment and leave your thoughts. I hope that you all enjoy it. I have a lot of fun writting here and find it helps me with dealing somedays with the burden of such a strict diet and the messiness of messing up.

Also, if you are just checking out this site, and are Celiac but are not in our Calgary Dinner club and wish to join, please leave me a comment or email me at jennyjustjenny16@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list. We are in Calgary AB.

If you want more info on any of these or other topics, or have an idea for a post or dinner club activity, please email me. I would love to hear it.

Thanks, Jenny


Date: 2006-04-06 23:00
Subject: AVACADO... no longer just a yummy fruit
Security: Public

So Renata and I were perusing around Ikea and noticed a new restaurant in the complex across the street. On a whim we decided to go in.. I pulled a highly illeagal u turn and we went in to check it out. We met breifly with the Manager, Chris, and he was very on-board with including some gluten free options, I will be emailing him the awareness package and setting up time to go and talk with him about some places to purchase gluten free food supplies and how to ensure safe gluten free meals for us Celiacs.

I am very excited, it was a very nice restaurant and the staff was friendly, the food coming out from the kitchen looked great and smelled even better and the manager was somewhat already educated about Gluten free cooking practices and contamination risks. It was a very positive experience. I am hoping that we will be making a dinner club dinner reservation very soon.

News Bulletin

Date: 2006-03-29 14:24
Subject: just in case
Security: Public
Just in case you missed it, or didn't read the post before this one.... Dr. Alessio Fassano has created a new Celiac Pill... the article is below.

Alba Therapeutics Announces Positive Phase Ib Clinical Trial Results
Monday March 13, 8:45 am ET

BALTIMORE, March 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Alba Therapeutics Corporation announced today successful completion of Phase Ib proof-of-concept studies for its lead compound, AT1001. In a 21-patient cohort of celiac disease sufferers, the oral administration of AT1001 versus placebo control induced a significantly positive result in the trial's primary target endpoint.

"We anticipated a strong signal, however, the magnitude of the response surpassed our expectations," stated Blake Paterson, M.D., President and CEO of Alba. "We are particularly excited, as to the best of our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a desired and systemic immunological effect resulting from a physiological event at a mucosal surface."

AT1001 is an antagonist to the zonulin system -- a signaling pathway discovered by Alessio Fasano, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine and Physiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and the basis of Alba's extensive intellectual property portfolio.

About Zonulin

Zonulin is a signaling protein that transiently and reversibly opens the tight junctions ("tj") between the cells of epithelial and endothelial tissues such as the intestinal mucosa, blood brain barrier and pulmonary epithelia. Zonulin appears to be involved in many diseases in which leakage occurs via paracellular transport across epithelial and endothelial tight junctions (tj), and thus may play an important potential role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

About Celiac Disease

Celiac disease (CD) is a T-cell mediated auto-immune disease that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals and is characterized by small intestinal inflammation, injury and intolerance to gluten. According to the National Institutes of Health, celiac disease affects approximately 3 million Americans, although the diagnosis is rarely made. The only current treatment for CD is complete elimination of gluten from the diet, which results in remission for some patients.

About Alba

Alba Therapeutics Corporation is a privately held biopharmaceutical company based in Baltimore, Maryland. Alba is dedicated to commercializing disease-modifying therapeutics and drug delivery adjuvants based on the zonulin pathway. Alba's lead molecule, AT-1001, is targeted towards the treatment of celiac disease and other auto-immune illnesses.

Contact: Heather Bakalyar, 410-522-8708 x1106

Source: Alba Therapeutics Corporation

I'll post more as I find it....

Freshly Gluttened

Date: 2006-03-29 14:24
Subject: Freshly Gluttened... an account
Security: Public
Freshly Gluttened

Well today is just one of those days. Today is one of those days that leaves my guts, my head and my body feeling empty. Today is just one of those days because yesterday I was gluttened.

My stomach began to turn, my face began to feel heavy and slow and my hands started to ache. My voice changed to a slower, less vibrant version of its former self and I began to feel my abdomen swell up and bulge. I slowly backed away from the food and held my hand over my mouth as I raced to the bathroom. Nausea is always my biggest, quickest, and long lasting side effect. After several long stays in the small enclosed space I like to call a bathroom, I was finally empty. Foggy head had set in indefinitely and my abdomen was the size of an 8 month pregnant woman’s.

Sleep was not going to happen. Uncomfortable intestines, aching hands and a huge gut made every possible position horrid. I wished I could get up, do something… but alas, the foggy head prevented any kind of thought required thought, and the aching in my hands ruled out typing or writing. In short, I was fucked.

I got up, moved my aching body to the couch and remained there while watching mind numbing TV until the wee hours of the morning. I eventually moved to the bed, in some foggy haze that prevents me from remembering exactly how I pried my huge looming gut off the couch in order to waddle to the bedroom.

I awoke this morning, incredibly grateful my boss had dental surgery today and that I would not be missed. Phoned in to deliver the news of my sudden tragic condition and spent a little less than what felt like a lifetime bitching about how bad my guts feel. Luckily our administrative assistant, or our SEX-u-tary as I prefer to refer to her as, is also Celiac. She understands these things.

SO now, nearly 5 hours later, at least 10 bathroom trips and the majority of a bag of the most fibrous popcorn I could bring myself to swallow, my hands are starting to loosen up, my head is clearing ever so slightly and I am feeling at least somewhat human. I am certain at this point that I from previous gluttenings and the current one at hand will need to begin another strict regime of remembering to take a Lactaid with every bit of dairy I consume.

Ahhh, the life of a celiac.

Well, good news, Dr. A Fassano, came up with a new pill… a gluten blocker if you will. It is being put to trial with 150 Celiacs and I am anxiously awaiting the results. If I could have a cruisant this year on Christmas morning I would be forever grateful.

Letter to time magazine

Date: 2006-03-29 13:35
Subject: The letter I should have written
Security: Public
Dear Time Magazine,

I am writing in regards to your bullshit article about Celiac Disease. You have clearly not done your research and are pulling random facts out of your ass with nothing to back it up except for some vague notion that the stupid people who read your magazine won't question it. Well shame on you. Those people happen to be sitting in doctor’s offices waiting on answers that you may have led them away from. Oh and by the way, dr offices are your soul source of readers... no one in their right mind would read your shitty dribble if it weren't the only thing lying on a coffee table and there was nothing else to do but thumb through it.

Thanks to you there could be millions of children, young adults and full grown adults who will suffer through years of intestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea because you told them that if they were introduced to wheat between four and six months old they were safe from the disease. This of course will lead to millions of parents ruling it out and never being advocates for their children... many more misdiagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lactose intolerance and thousands of cases of Colon cancer.

Congrad-u-fucking-la tions TIME. Maybe you should consider doing your homework and possibly looking into the disease before you publish false information. You have set the people who are working on the awareness side of the disease back about five years.... you fucking jerks. Thanks. You just made my job of explaining Celiacs to a new parent a thousand times harder because they'll believe you over me and not bother to do their research either.

Again, thanks for publishing lies on an already confusing disease and for perpetuating the acceptability of our medical system to ignore and ill treat this growing disease.

Yours truly

ps... if you'd like some papers on the subject or at the very least, a very reliable resource, check out the University of Maryland, they have the one of the world's leading research facilities there.... just in case you didn't know... fuckers